Supervision at school commences at 8.30am. No parent or carer is permitted to take another child home without written permission from the parent to the teacher.
The class teacher must be notified of any change in the collection routine. Should you wish to collect your child early from class you must obtain a leave pass from the front office first.
Late arrivals
Students are expected to attend classes punctually at the beginning of all lessons. If students are late to school for any reason they are to report to the office for a late note prior to going to their classroom. Parents should accompany the student to the office or send a note stating the reason for their late arrival. This procedure needs to be followed, especially in the case of an evacuation, where we need to account for each child.
Leaving early
Permission to leave the school will be granted if supported by a note from home, the student is leaving in the parent’s company and the Principal is satisfied that the reason for leaving the school is acceptable. If the parent / caregiver wish to collect their child from the school prior to 3.00pm they need to obtain a leave pass from the office before collecting the student from the classroom. The leave pass provides the school with a record of children who have left the school during the day which is essential in emergency situations and provides evidence why the child is out of school during school hours.
If your child/children is/are absent a written explanation is required within two weeks of the absence. You can respond electronically via School Bytes using the link in the daily SMS absentee notification or under the Attendance tab in the School Bytes Parent Portal. You can also add a planned absence in the Parent Portal if you know in advance that your child will be absent from school.
Medication requiring administration on a daily basis should be in the original chemist box with the prescription label showing the student’s name. This must be accompanied by a doctor's signed letter containing instructions. We also require a parental permission form, which can be obtained from the office. Medication will be stored securely at the office. An administration record is entered each time medication is given.
Enrolment of students
Children who reside in the local area are guaranteed a place in our school. Enrolment of non-local children is dependent upon placement availability in the appropriate class and requirements of the school Non-Local Enrolment Policy being met. Before an enrolment meeting can take place, documents will need to be sighted to complete a 100 point residency checklist. In addition, a birth certificate and updated immunisation statement will need to be provided before enrolment can be finalised. Children enrolling in Kindergarten classes must attain the age of 5 years prior to 1st August in the year they are attending. Please contact the school office on 0266 213 363 to make an appointment.
Emergency contacts
The school maintains computer records that provide contact numbers in case of a student accident or illness. It is imperative that you provide our Administration staff with current information. If there is a change in home, work or emergency contact details or court orders, please contact the school at your earliest convenience.
Payment of money
When a payment is required, parent/caregivers will be notified by a School Bytes email and/or a manual note. All money due can be paid via the School Bytes Parent Portal.